
When it Comes to Safety- its Never in Question

Hayden Woods is a trainee quantity surveyor in the Minor Works Team, Infrastructure at Osborne.
Hayden shared his thoughts on safety and says: “the most important thing I have learned is that it is ok to question safety and not to be afraid to challenge anyone who we perceive are acting in an unsafe way.

There is nothing so important, that it can’t be done safely and if we have to spend time questioning whether is can be done differently or more safely, we should.

If we see bad habits, we have the ability and tools and empowerment to question them and make it right. As it is very important to implement the correct procedures that get everyone home safely at the end of the day. At Osborne, the safety cultures and safety behaviours seem to run top to bottom and then bottom to top.

What also helped me understand more deeply, the need to question was when I took part in the Stop Think! Programme which looks at building on behavioural safety techniques to positively influence wider business performance through a cultural development programme.

Osborne developed the programme in order to help the business develop a generative culture which is a key strategic objective and the programme has three key objectives:
• Thinking differently
• Making better decisions
• Changing lives

The Stop Think! Programme is an on-going programme where it is attended by not only people from Osborne, but also our customers and our supply chain partners. So far, over 400 people having been through the launch days from the Executive Team through to operatives. This  will create sustained change in our business. The programme has launch days and also delivers the coaching skills workshops to people across the organisation.”