
Getting the Basics Right to Help Unlock More Opportunity

“Our customers are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of an asset management approach.
We have seen initiatives such as the Highways Maintenance Efficiency Programme (HMEP), which support and encourage the application of good asset management practice, have focused so far getting the basics right contract proficiencies, right-first-time approach and collaboration in delivery.

If we get the basics right, this unlocks the opportunity to fully maximise our assets’ for our customers. Taking a practical view of highway assets – their purpose is to get you from A to B as quickly and efficiently as possible. But if we get the basics right, first time, we know that there is so much more opportunity to be unlocked.

Highways and rail assets are a vital part of our everyday life and can influence it in so many other ways – they can change the look and feel of an area simply through their design and layout for example, planting trees can change its look, feel and usage.

Working with customers to find innovative ways to unlock land for development has become an increasingly important part of our business.

Infrastructure is often a key concern when it comes to unlocking land for development. Land that is otherwise ripe for development often lacks the infrastructure to allow people and goods to move in and out efficiently. Surrounding roads and transport services may already be under stress without the addition of new residents and businesses.

Contractors must make social value a priority. Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) enables us to work closely with all stakeholders including main contractors Local Authorities, Network Rail or Highways Authorities. This allows full collaborative partnerships to develop, which design projects for the best outcome and value.”

Mike Todd is Lead Business Development Manager for Infrastructure at Osborne.