
Protecting People and our Planet at River Axe

The River Axe is designated a Site of Specific Interest and Special Area of Conservation and the Osborne team are providing solutions that mitigate all risks to the sensitive surrounding environment.

The scheme consists of the installation of 14 concrete box culverts within the railway embankment at two separate sites – Axe Farm and Broom Lane Level Crossings.

At both sites, they have now completed the installation of the crane working mats using a geogrid.  These will support the 300 tonnes crawler cranes needed to lift the pre-cast units before and during the 9 day blockade. The temporary haul road beside the river has timber barrier fence to prevent contamination of the river from plant or haul material.

The blue netlon provides clear demarcation and a safe barrier to the river bank for operatives.
On both sites “Solatainers” have been installed omitting the need for 60kVa diesel generators and providing many benefits such as:-

• A reduction in carbon emissions.
• Cost savings through savings in fuel costs.
• Silent operation reducing noise pollution.

The Solatainers integrate renewable solar power harvesting and storage along with a diesel-powered back up to provide off-grid power to the sites.