
Community Engagement

Over the past year both Highways England and Osborne have been attending Parish Council meetings for the A120 Hare Green junction improvement scheme between Colchester and Harwich in Essex.

As Part of Highways England’s Capital Delivery Framework and following a number of fatalities in recent years, the scheme involves building a new roundabout and to close nearby central reserve crossing points in the central reserve.

Situated on the boundary between Little Bentley and Great Bromley parishes, the works also affects residents in neighbouring Tendring through which A120 traffic is diverted during overnight closures when necessary.

Informing high-level stakeholders – such as national organisations, transport generators, emergency services and local authorities is vital for all schemes, however, engaging with local stakeholder communities is equally important.

Parish councils are an increasingly valuable conduit not only for reaching and keeping local audiences informed of progress, but also in gaining local knowledge that can benefit schemes.

For this specific scheme, issues affecting the parishes include local road closures, heavy goods traffic diverted through villages overnight, impact on the farming community and bus services.  By attending the meetings, we have been able to hear and react to the concerns of local residents and businesses alike and where possible, address them.

Following a recent Great Bromley parish council meeting, the Clerk said:  “Thanks so much for coming to the meeting last night and for your emailed update – I can’t tell you how much that helps, and Cllrs appreciate the engagement with you.”

The work is expected to continue into spring 2019, by maintaining an ongoing presence and dialogue we have established good working relationships with the local communities, building trust and credibility, hopefully paving the way for a smooth transition period of change to the community for benefit.