
Osborne supports Well-being and Wildlife with Ujala Ladies Group

Collaboration brings results, through innovation, pooled resources, increased efficiency as well as learning and the Ujala Ladies Group in Slough benefitted from this with its community garden bouncing back to life.

Volunteers from GoodGym Slough helped to clear their overgrown garden, with  BBO Wildlife Trust and Osborne joining forces to support the regrowth and rewilding of Manor Park Pavillions’ garden, a much-needed hub within the community.

Ujala Ladies Group is a support group for women, from diverse backgrounds, that have suffered from loneliness, domestic violence, and mental health issues. The group comes together to share their experiences and support one another. They regularly take part in health, fitness, and well-being activities.  The group took great initiative by reaching out to local organisations to support the well-being of their service users in helping them bring their community garden back to life, ready for all to enjoy in the summer.

After a safety talk, given by Social Value Manager, Sairah, the group was divided into smaller subgroups, with some focusing on building birdhouses while others worked on painting protective wood stain on the remaining wildlife boxes, all made of recycled, reclaimed wood.  Our Business Development Co-ordinator, Ann,  volunteered her time to help with the box building. We were delighted to support this initiative and provided materials, tools, and PPE to ensure that everyone was able to take part and contribute to the success of the garden.

This activity was a great example of community cohesion, with service users commenting on how it has created a sense of unity and togetherness. The project brought joy and satisfaction to everyone involved and was a great reminder of the power of a unified community effort.

Sara, Service User, Ujala Ladies Group

“It was fantastic taking part in the project and painting the bug hotel. It was therapeutic for me, and I would take part in doing more.”

Jo Fletcher, Head of Engagement

“Community gardens are vital to local groups as they encourage people to become socially and physically active whilst developing a sense of belonging.  We were delighted to support the Ujala Ladies Group and recognise how the collaboration of parties have made a positive impact.”