
Flexibility – How To Build Communities Rather Than Just More Houses

Real communities are not standardised – they include people of different ages, with different incomes and interests. People in real communities don’t have to jump in the car to access the facilities they need. Above all, real communities have a sense of place.

There’s a difference between building more homes (which we urgently need to do) and building sustainable communities that improve the general wellbeing of the nation. Part of the secret of community building lies in infrastructure and amenities – and a large part of it comes down to the mix of homes that are created.

In a nation that seems to be becoming ever more divided, good quality mixed tenure housing is an effective way to help bring us back together. Effective mixed tenure schemes build and unite communities by offering people different ways of living with amenities that are accessible to all.

The majority of Osborne’s residential projects are mixed tenure. Not only does this help to create sustainable communities, it also offers a viable business model for local authorities and housing associations wishing to expand affordable and social housing.

Consistent Quality Standards

A key feature of community-building is ensuring that quality standards are consistent. Everybody deserves a home that is well built, easy to maintain and inexpensive to heat, regardless of whether they are owners, private renters or social housing tenants.

Efficient project management enables us to ensure the unique needs of different users are met while ensuring the universal needs of quality, comfort, security and a sense of belonging are also catered for.

The UK has a well-documented under-supply of housing. The main issues (and some of the answers) relating to the crisis are covered in our resource centre here. Flexible developments that create high quality mixed tenure schemes are an effective way to meet everyone’s need for a high quality home, while also building greater community cohesion.

Access our resource centre to find out more