
How Local Supply Chains Build Stronger Communities

Accounting for the social value delivered through contracts is becoming a more formalised process within Osborne, as many other construction firms deliver publicly funded work. We have invested in the Thrive social value measurement tool to help us do this.

But fully accounting for social value isn’t always easy. Local supply chain development is one aspect of service delivery that delivers enormous social value benefits. It’s also one where accounting for the full impact is hard to measure.

The reason is that the benefits of investing in local supply chain partners cascade way beyond the confines of our organisation and partnerships. The benefits are also long-lasting. Our aim is always to help local SME businesses become sustainable and thriving companies that can handle bigger contracts and more complex procurement.

New Capabilities Bring New Opportunities

We can easily measure the number of jobs we directly support in the local economy but it’s harder to know how many more opportunities result from the capacity and capabilities we help to grow in our supply chain partners.

For example, with Dacorum Borough Council, Osborne Property Services holds annual ‘Supplier Engagement Day’ events targeting local businesses. We work closely with the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce and the Council’s Enterprise and Investment Team. This has resulted in over forty local suppliers joining our supply chain. All are fully committed to employing local people.

Developing local supply chains is also highly sustainable. Whether it’s moving people or materials, local sourcing helps to reduce our overall carbon footprint.

Partnership Models

No two social housing property services partnerships are the same. The requirements and priorities are always driven by unique local factors. Engaging local SME partners in service delivery brings all-important local knowledge and links to the community. And local businesses don’t just benefit financially, we also help them enhance business processes related to quality, safety, sustainability and inclusivity.

For social landlords, partnership offers a uniquely valuable route to supporting local SMEs to build stronger businesses, while having simplified contracting arrangements and a single point of contact.

Find out more about our approach by visiting our resource centre