
How to Make Car Parks More Cost Effective

The average multi-storey car park is likely to cost between £7500 and £8000 per bay to build. This represents a significant upfront investment. Related to this there could also be a significant financing cost before any revenue can be earned from parking fees.

Cost modelling for car parks can be complex and and further complicated by land acquisition costs, issues related to foundations owing to the land beneath the site, and any specific planning restrictions and consents.

Uncertainty over costs and the associated risks can mean that badly needed car parks never get further than the concept stage. And sometimes a feasibility study may show that the returns would be too marginal to make the investment worthwhile.

Meanwhile, many town and city centres are desperately short of parking spaces. Parking is a major headache at many railway stations and transport hubs.

A Low Cost Modular Parking Solution

Osborne’s modular parking system offers a more realistic and dependable business case for creating either permanent or temporary parking. It can be used to quickly create a one or two deck car park, or easily add an additional deck to an existing surface or multi storey car park, at a fraction of the cost of a traditional solution with savings in the range of 15% to 20%.

For temporary applications, using a heavy-duty plywood deck in place of a concrete deck creates even greater savings- in the range of 30% to 35%. There are also savings in installation time due to not requiring piling in the range of 10% to 15%, and even greater in the temporary situation. Project-specific design costs are also minimised by the modular design.

No Foundations

The steel structure is mounted on broad base plates that spread the load and normally eliminate the need for expensive and time-consuming foundations. The structure is designed for rapid assembly so that the new car park can be operational and earning revenue within weeks.

If necessary, the structure can be dismantled and easily moved to another location. This option is proving popular with transport hubs that need to refurbish or upgrade their existing permanent parking arrangements and need somewhere for people to park in the meantime.

Local planning requirements can be satisfied through the wide variety of cladding styles to help accelerate the approval process (another common cause of delayed parking revenues).

The modular car park solution from Osborne is probably the most cost-effective way to bring additional car park spaces on stream, whether they are needed permanently or for a fixed period.  

Find out more here.