
Reminder of Site Shut-down Preparations as we head towards our Christmas break

As some of us begin to think about preparing to shut down sites for the Christmas Holidays, this week, we must remember to think about safety for all, and considering security and all weather extremes.
Below are some things to remember and Osborne will be sharing this around their site teams. It may seem simple but sometimes these are the things we may overlook.

Water Feeds Off: Ensure all site water feeds are switched off at the mains to avoid
burst pipes and flooded cabins should the temperatures fall below freezing.

Cabins Secure: Ensure all site cabins are securely locked and the keys removed from
site by a competent person. An “on-site key safe” can easily be breached and once
a thief has access, is free to open all doors.
Off Hires: Off hire all plant so it cannot be a target for theft over the holiday period.

Remove Plant: Any Osborne own plant should be also be removed from site to avoid
theft temptation.

Secure Scaffolding: Ensure all scaffolding is secure and protected against the public,
with all netting secured in case of high winds.

Excavations: Ensure all excavations are securely fenced off, or temporarily backfilled
if necessary and practical.
Lock-ups: Ensure all “lock-ups” are left in a tidy locked state with no fuel stored inside.

Empty Flamvaults: Empty “flamvaults” of all fuels. They are a prime target for thieves
or vandals.

Fencing: Check all site perimeter fencing is secure and robust. Remove any banners
that are fixed to the fencing that could act as a “sail” in high winds.

Barriers: Remove any lightweight barriers if possible that could be blown over or
subject to vandalism. Barriers that absolutely cannot be removed must be
interlocked and double sand bagged.

Lineside / Roadside Materials: Remove all materials from lineside / roadside that can
be thrown onto the track or road. When lineside, double steel band with “banding
machine” if absolutely cannot be removed safely.

Compound Materials: Ensure all materials in compound that require covering are
adequately protected and the covering robustly secured.

Access Gates: Ensure that the all gates, including “end of platform” access gates,
fence and anti-trespass grid are secure and robust.

Trip Hazards: Ensure we do not leave any trips or hazardous temporary works. Think
about areas such as platform copers or around temporary reinstatements.

Chargers: Do not leave any tools or equipment on charge over the Christmas period
due to the risk of overheating and catching fire.

Office Equipment: Ensure all office equipment such as photocopiers are turned off
and the plugs removed from the electrical sockets.

Computers: Take a judgement on the site computers, if they need to be removed
from site or stored securely elsewhere.

Remove Personal Belongings: They will not be insured!