
STOPThink! – Empowers us to Question

At Osborne, we have a programme called STOPThink! to act as a catalyst for change within our business.
Although the programme has a strong safety theme at its core, STOPThink! is designed to develop  behaviours which will impact directly on the performance, quality, efficiency, reliability and productivity of our business to support our customers.

After attending the STOPThink! Course, Hayden Woods, a Trainee Quantity Surveyor in our Infrastructure business, took time to reflect and shared his thoughts.

Hayden said: “The most important thing I have learned is that it is ok to question safety methods and not be afraid to challenge anyone who we think maybe acting in an unsafe way.

There is nothing so important that the time can’t be taken for it to be done properly. If we have to spend time questioning whether a task can be done more safely, then we should.

If we see bad habits, then I feel, we all have the ability, tools and empowerment to question them and make it right.”